Monday 9 April 2018

Some MAP kinase links...

I want to prepare a visualisation of MAP Kinase proteins in different species:
- probably fly, chicken, mouse and human as a starting point.

Search reveals these sources:

  • Evolutionary History of the Vertebrate Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases Family

  • Evolutionary history of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) genes in LotusMedicago, and Phaseolus

these are plants - soya bean.

UniProt search:

family:"protein kinase superfamily cmgc ser thr protein kinase family map kinase subfamily" AND organism:"Gallus gallus (Chicken) [9031]"

API Queries for UniProt

Uniprot search for: 
protein kinase superfamily cmgc ser thr protein kinase family map kinase subfamily

Gives 205 protein entries across various species. 

Go Ontology

F1000 Bioconductor Gateway

New article describing the tool, I used:

Authoring Bioconductor workflows with BiocWorkflowTools [version 1; referees: awaiting peer review]

Animal pics - Phylopic...

A search revealed this StackOverflow post:
which led to rphylopic (

which seems interesting and relevant.

Link here to the parent site:

Friday 6 April 2018

Grappling with writing a paper in RMarkdown...

I have submitted a manuscript to F1000Research as part of the Bioconductor Gateway. It's about drawProteins.

The workflow involved:

  1. Writing text and code in RMarkdown using R Studio
  2. Using BiocWorkflowTools (
  3. Putting in citations from Bibdesk
  4. Knitting with knitr in R Studio which creates multiple files...
    1. A PDF
    2. A tex file
    3. A folder of latex figures (names not ideal, I think).
  5. Uploading files to Overleaf
  6. Logging into F1000Research
  7. Linking into Overleaf
  8. The uploading a Word file too (separate Rmd file and Knit required and some manual editing - WHY?)
  9. Adding cover letter
  10. Identifying referees - finding emails can be difficult!

A busy day of work...

Here are a few of the resources I used to help write the manuscript: