Wednesday 29 November 2017

Resources to open Word documents in R...

Extracting data from a docx file:

Extracting data from a doc file:

Splitting a character vector into a data frame...

Rowbind when different numbers of columns...

Thursday 9 November 2017

Some information regarding the ~ symbol...

Some information regarding the ~ symbol...

Some points:
  1. The symbol ~ is called tilde so searching with the word is useful. 
  2. It's use in v~Vmax*S/(Km+S) is to create the non-linear formula. 
  3. It's special R syntax rather than general bioinformatics syntax. 
  4. It's specific meaning in this context is to create a formula object in R which can be used later. 
  5. The ~ symbol (tilde) separates one side of the formula from the other.
  6. The symbol means that R doesn't try to evaluate the formula but creates an object - sometimes a "formula" object

By way of an example, here is some R code:
my_formula <- y ~ bot+(top-bot)/(1+( x / LD50)^slope)

The tilda means that the equation won't be run but just the object created. 
The object in this case is my_formula and the class of the object is "formula". The tilda sets y on the left hand side and x, bot, top, LD50 and slope on the right hand side. 

That's enough for a start but questions are welcome. 

Some resources:
END of info for now...