Wednesday 8 March 2017

Making a small change to github...

Yesterday, Stef Locke, showed me how to make a small change in Github.

Go to the file you want to change:

Press on the pen symbol.

Github will automatically create a fork and show this message:

You’re editing a file in a project you don’t have write access to. Submitting a change to this file will write it to a new branch in your fork brennanpincardiff/praise, so you can send a pull request.

Add the text you want to add...
Complete the Propose File Change format:

Then create "Pull Request":


I've been practicing on the R package called praise:

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Data Viz for Medical students...

I am planning to talk to Year 1 Medical students next year about data analysis & visualisation.

I am thinking about a new blog around the subject.

Here are some resources, I have found:

Analyzing health data, generating and communicating evidence to improve population health
Visualisations about immunisation