Monday 17 November 2014

Subsetting data from a data frame...

So, the subset function allows me to create an another data frame with samples with a value larger than, in this case 64.

> c7pos <- subset(c7, Nuc.647_Int >= 64) 
> c7pospercent <- nrow(c7pos)/nrow(c7)*100

Then the calculation gives a value for this. 
Looks OK. 

Not quite sure I like the values but that's the way. 

How do these percentages compare to the percentages for the wells?
I need to compare.

Time for bed: 22:11

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Analysing Jim's Data again....

So I have a new lot of cellular data with new HA data in there.


  1. Turn into a CSV file in Excel
  2. Delete negative values from the Int column for each channel - about 7 values
  3. Create a new Project in R... AnalysingCellDataAgain20141105
  4. Open the script.. AllDensityPlots20141021.R
  5. Import data into R
  6. Import map of plate into R
  7. Create subset of the data to make life quicker and easier
  8. Create each individual sample in a separate data frame 
    1. is this necessary?
    2. currently I have to change numbers in each to make it work. this can't be correct. 
  9. Right now, I have just done the first 6. 
  10. Graphed a few plots. 
  11. Playing with ggplot scatter plots - still not got the right ones. 
Going home now after an hour and a quarter.